World-class wind energy!

Welcome to Aalborg

Source: CS WIND Offshore

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Plenty of space is
ready for use right now!

In Aalborg, you will find a world-class production, testing, and storage hub for the wind energy sector. Leading companies such as Siemens Gamesa, CS WIND Offshore, Blaest, and a number of subcontractors have established themselves right here, and that is due to:

  • Open expanses with plenty of space
  • Strong infrastructure with direct access to shipping
  • Ideal facilities for handling giant components

2,860,000 m² of the port area is currently allocated to wind energy companies, with potential for an additional 1,500,000 m².

To find out more, download the information material to the left.

Direct access to the manufacturers

In Aalborg, the essential players and manufacturers in the production chain are gathered in one place.

One of the world's leading test areas

The port area in Aalborg plays a central role in the industry as one of the world’s leading test areas.

Millions of square metres for storage

At the port, there are open expanses all around with plenty of space for the enormous components.

In Aalborg, you become part of
a strong wind network

Aalborg Renewables is a strong network with pioneering companies and leading research and educational institutions.

The purpose is to create personal relationships between proactive frontrunners and a business environment dedicated to collaboration and the commercialisation of ideas. We believe that this is what it takes to support and accelerate growth and innovation in renewable energy.

Do you want to strengthen your business and position yourself at the forefront of the wind energy industry?

Contact us

Jeppe Faber

Senior Commercial Manager, Real Estate

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Direkte adgang til producenterne

I bliver en del af et område med førende virksomheder, som har både specialiseret viden og erfaring til løbende at optimere fremtidens vindenergiprodukter. Nogle af de største internationale aktører inden for udvikling og produktion af offshore-vinger, transition pieces, substations og monopiles har placeret sig lige her i havneområdet. Og dertil kommer, at delkomponenter til produkterne produceres af underleverandører lige rundt om hjørnet. 

Mange internationale havvindmølleparker indeholder elementer fra Aalborg. Blandt andet verdens største havvindmøllepark, Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind, der vil rumme både offshore substations og transition pieces fra Aalborg, som skal bidrage til at producere strøm til 660.000 amerikanske husstande.

Direct access to the manufacturers

You become part of an area with leading companies that have both specialised knowledge and experience to continuously optimise future wind energy products. Some of the largest international players in the development and production of offshore blades, transition pieces, substations and monopiles are located right here in the port area. In addition, subcomponents for the products are manufactured by subcontractors just around the corner.

Many international offshore wind farms contain elements from Aalborg. These include the world’s largest offshore wind farm, Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind, which will hold both offshore substations and transition pieces from Aalborg that will help produce electricity for 660,000 American households.

Et af verdens førende testområder

Få et forspring med let adgang til kvalitetstjek af jeres produkter. Havneområdet i Aalborg spiller nemlig en central rolle i branchen som et af de førende testområder med den største koncentration af testfaciliteter i verden. Her bliver testet vinger på mere end 100 meter, og der er kapacitet til at teste fremtidens endnu længere vinger.

Dertil kommer Testcenter Østerild, som ligger på den blæsende vestkyst ikke langt fra Aalborg. Her testes de største offshore vindmøller i verden, og fem af teststandene har kapacitet til at teste vindmøller på op til 330 meter fra jord til vingespids. Nogle af de største internationale offshore-aktører bruger stedet til at teste fremtidens havvindmøller.

One of the world's leading test areas

Get a head start with easy access to quality testing of your products. The port area in Aalborg plays a central role in the industry as one of the leading test areas with the world’s largest concentration of test facilities. Here, blades over 100 metres long are tested, and there is capacity to test even longer blades of the future.

In addition, Test Center Østerild is located on the windy west coast not far from Aalborg. Here, the largest offshore wind turbines in the world are tested, and five of the test stands have the capacity to test turbines up to 330 metres from the ground to the blade tip. Some of the biggest international offshore players use this site to test future offshore wind turbines.

Millioner af kvadratmeter til oplagring

Havneområdet i Aalborg er placeret 10 km uden for byen, og derfor får I åbne vidder hele vejen rundt omkring jer. Her er god plads til både håndtering og oplagring af de enorme, pladskrævende elementer til offshore-vindmøllerne. Allerede nu er 2.860.000 kvadratmeter af havneområdet allokeret til vindenergivirksomheder, og der er yderligere potentiale til 1.500.000 kvadratmeter.

Aalborg er beliggende i den nordlige del af Danmark og med direkte adgang til Limfjorden. Dermed ligger havneområdet ideelt til at blive en del af de kommende, transnationale kæmpeprojekter inden for offshore vindenergi i Nordsøen og Østersøen. Aalborg er oplagt som fjernlager og produktionshub for blandt andet installationshavne i Skandinavien, der er tættere på havvindmølleparkerne.

Millions of square metres for storage

The port area in Aalborg is located 10 km outside the city, providing open expanses all around you. There is ample space for handling and storing the enormous, space demanding components for the offshore wind turbines. Already, 2,860,000 square metres of the port area are allocated to wind energy companies, with potential for an additional 1,500,000 square metres.

Aalborg is located in the northern part of Denmark, with direct access to the Limfjord. As such, the port area is ideally positioned to become part of the upcoming, transnational giant offshore wind energy projects in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Aalborg is perfectly suited as a remote storage and production hub for, among others, installation ports in Scandinavia that are closer to the offshore wind farms.