
Only five km to the E45, Port of Aalborg is an obvious choice for transport by road. Our many facilities and supervised trailer parking can give you an even better experience when handling your goods by road.


Trailer parking with increased security

At Port of Aalborg, we offer a monitored and fenced parking lot that both provides security and optimises insurance conditions. Spaces for trailers and tractors are available for rent in the trailer park.

Excellent facilities for your drivers

In addition to the increased security in the trailer park, we also offer convenient facilities for your drivers. They have the possibility to:

  • Connect refrigerated trailers to power
  • Dispose of waste
  • Use toilet and shower facilities
  • Purchase food and beverages in the local canteen
  • Tank up at our filling station
  • Visit Aalborg Lastvognscenter (lorry centre) for wash or service

Contact us to hear more

Christian Tvorup Træholt

Senior Commercial Manager, Container & Rail

Have your lorry washed or serviced

Port of Aalborg offers a variety of services, both direct and indirect, to the road haulage segment. For example, your drivers have the opportunity to visit Aalborg Lastvognscenter (lorry centre) to have your lorries washed or serviced. Aalborg Lastvogncenter ensures that the type of wash is best suited to the different driving operations and lorry types. They can also perform servicing, repairs, oil changes and similar on all makes and models of lorry.

Contact us to hear more

Christian Tvorup Træholt

Senior Commercial Manager, Container & Rail

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